the building is divided into 14 boxes; the total warehouse area is 7,840sqm, the office area 980sqm.
Second Couriers Building
The building is divided into 7 boxes, the warehouse surface area is 4,400sqm, the office surface area is 960sqm
First Shipping Building
The building consists of 14 boxes, with a total warehouse area of 14,300sqm and 2,790sqm of office space. All the boxes are connected to the Container Terminal.
Fourth Shipping Building
The building, divided into two parts, occupies a warehouse area of 15,360sqm, and is connected to the railway network.
First Ready Warehouse
Aimed for distribution logistics services, it is connected to the railway network and has a surface area of 17,100 sqm
Second Ready Warehouse
Aimed for distribution logistics services, it is divided into 4 boxes and has a total surface area of 13,500sqm.
Distripark Interporto Padova
Structured in two buildings (one of which is connected to the railway network), it is aimed for distribution logistics services and has a total surface area of 47,500sqm.
Logistics City
Spread over 67K sqm of warehouse space with over 2K sqm of offices.
Seventh Shipping Building
It is divided into 7 boxes and has a warehouse area of 19K sqm. The complex is divided into two buildings and is connected to the railway network.
Sixth Shipping Building
It is divided into 7 boxes and has a warehouse area of 19K sqm. The complex is divided into two buildings and is connected to the railway network.
Second Shipping Building
It is divided into 12 boxes with a total surface area of 19,950 sqm of warehouses and 4,030 sqm of offices. A track connects it to the goods station of Interporto Padova and the Intermodal Terminal.
Logistics platform lot H
Aimed for distribution logistics services, it has a total surface area of 4,900sqm for warehouses and 600 sqm for offices
Operating headquarters in Corso Stati Uniti 18
In same area there are several buildings for warehouses, covering an area of 47K sqm, refrigerated cells, covering an area of 4K sqm, and offices covering an area of 3,8K sqm. In addition, the Cooking Centre for the Municipality of Padua was built in the area, with a...
New warehouse (built in 2016)
For 2,9K sqm (of which 400 for offices) on a 5K sqm lot in Via Nuova Zelanda equipped with load-bearing structures for the accommodation of overhead cranes up to 40 tons and high load-bearing flooring.
New building (built in 2019)
For 12,5K sqm on two floors (used as warehouse, production area and research laboratories, as well as offices) on a lot of about 28K sqm at the junction of Via Inghilterra with Via Nuova Zelanda.
The call 2019: a working group for safer and more functional parking areas
Interporto Padova S.p.A. participated in the 2019 call of the CEF Program together with a consortium of top-level national actors. The project, led by Consorzio ZAI Interporto Quadrante Europa, includes partners such as motorway concessionaires (A4 Trading and CAV,...
Second call of the Programme Connecting Europe Facility: project CEF 2015
In the subsequent call (2015), starting from the previous successful outcome, Interporto Padova S.p.A. has submitted a second project proposal, aiming at synergically complementing the first one, entitled “Enhancing Interporto di Padova – Step 2: ancillary measures...
INTERPORTO PADOVA S.p.A. financed by European Commission
Connecting Europe Facility – CEF funds the development of the intermodal node of Padova Interporto Padova S.p.A., ranks among the intermodal “Core Nodes” acknowledged as part of Trans-European Transport Networks that the EU Commission is financing through the...
Interporto Padova participates to the UIR project at EXPO 2015
It has been named "UIR FOR EXPO 2015, THE EXCELLENCE OF ITALIAN INFRASTRUCTURES SUPPORTING QUALITY" the initiative of the Unione Interporti Italiani, which aims to make the organization and structural resources of the Italian intermodal center system known and...
Interporto Padova Spa takes part in the European project WiderMos for improving links between ports and intermodal freight villages
WiderMos, (Wide Interoperability and new governance moDels for freight Exchange linking Regions through Multimodal maritime based cOrridorS) is the new European project, approved in the EU ban TEN-T Motorways of the Sea in 2013. WiderMoS will improve the interface...
Interporto Padova Spa participates in the European project Smartset
The SMARTSET project develops and shows how freight transport in European cities and regions can be made more energy-efficient and sustainable by a better use of freight terminals. SMARTSET provides examples of good practice that can support cities, regions and...
First call of the Programme Connecting Europe Facility: project CEF 2014
In the first call of the CEF Programme (2014) Interporto Padova S.p.A. submitted a first proposal aiming at “Enhancing the efficiency of the new container terminal of Interporto di Padova” (code 2014-IT-TM-0591-M). 735 proposals where submitted under this call at...