Visit of Assindustria Venetocentro president Leopoldo Destro to Padua Interport

22 June 2021

Assindustria Venetocentro president Leopoldo Destro, accompanied by general manager Giuseppe Milan, paid a visit to Interporto Padova this morning. He was welcomed by President Franco Pasqualetti, General Manager Roberto Tosetto and Logistics and Real Estate Manager Paolo Pandolfo.

During the meeting, various important points were touched upon and the peculiarities that make Interporto Padova one of the interport structures of reference at a national level were illustrated. In particular, the role that Interporto Padua plays in the logistics chain at the service of businesses not only in Padua and its province but also in the entire Veneto region was discussed in depth, and the path of growth and further development undertaken by Interporto Padua through the digitalisation and automation of procedures and processes was illustrated.

The meeting made it possible to highlight the numerous opportunities that the Padua platform offers to companies, particularly those operating on foreign markets with flows of semi-finished, finished goods in import and export.

At the end of the cordial meeting, Assindustria Venetocentro president Leopoldo Destro emphasised: ‘Interporto Padua is a feather in Padua’s cap and a strategic asset for companies not only in our area but in the entire Veneto region, for which we must all work together to strengthen and further reinforce rail connections, exploiting all possible synergies for this common goal. The Covid emergency has further highlighted the central role of freight transport and logistics for the efficiency of production and distribution chains and the competitiveness of territories. The objective of shortening supply chains to reduce the risks and complexity of supply requires medium-long term policies and industrial plans; but without waiting, thanks to the role played by Interporto Padova, a concrete result can already be achieved quickly thanks to the time that companies can save on both outgoing and incoming goods, thus remaining more easily connected to international supply chains”.

The president of Interporto Padova Spa Franco Pasqualetti commented: “Our role has always been to be at the service of the companies in our territory, which for a structure like Interporto Padova is not only Padua and its province but the entire Veneto region. We are an efficient ‘gate’ physically close to the manufactures of our territories, connecting them to foreign markets both in Europe and the rest of the world. Listening to the needs of the manufacturing world, excellently represented today by Assindustria VenetoCentro president Leopoldo Destro, is fundamental for us. The meeting also allowed us to better describe in more detail all the opportunities that a structure like ours offers, and which are sometimes not easily perceived in all their facets. I am certain that the collaboration with Assindustria VenetoCentro will be positive for both of us.